Current Student Resources


Here are some helpful resources for our Current PBGG students:

Academic Resources

2024-25 PBGG Elective Specialization Course List

Mentoring Guidelines PDF

Individual Development Plan (IDP) (2021-22)

Health & Wellness

Student Health and Counseling Services

UC SHIP Waiver Information

Office of the OMBUDS

PBGG Conflict Protocol (updated 2021)

Aggie Tutorial Farm - Here you will find interdisciplinary tutorial resources curated by UC Davis students, faculty and staff in the College of Biological Sciences. We invite you to use these resources to sharpen your skills or to learn something completely new.  Please contact us with suggestions for additional resources.

PBGG Student Canvas Page

As of Fall 2022, the Plant Biology Graduate Group will begin piloting a Canvas Page specifically for PBGG Current Students. This centralized digital space will serve as a repository for student specific documentation, program specific calendar events and deadlines, and will encourage cohorts to continue building meaningful relationships with each other. For questions about this helpful tool, please email the PBGG Graduate Coordinator (Amanda Hadyon Turner;